Branding loop

In the previous article, we looked into how static PDF brand guidelines are transforming into online portals and how future brand identities seem to become more as modular systems. That inevitably calls for new tools and mindsets for designing multisensory brand experiences, and multiple touchpoints.

Protecting brand design integrity doesn't mean simply adopting a new digital brand guidelines format just for the sake of innovation. We want to introduce a new mindset of experience of brand guidelines:

We call that Coreloop mentality followed by 4 core principles:

° 01 Craft Brand style guide storytelling.

Tell a story about how your brand guidelines are built and how to use them. Stories connect and inspire teams to stick to the principles. With online versions, you can use their potential to improve storytelling. Bridge sensory experience we have used to fixed formats documents. Add sound and voice messages.

° 02 Figure out the file storage system.

Big corporations are famous for buying into expensive DAMs (Digital Asset Management) tools that no designer wants to use.

° 03 Kickstart collaboration and Sharing across teams.

Involve more people who can access and give feedback at the right time. Because digital brand guidelines are never finished and they shouldn't.

Building brand guidelines as “visual communication" — brand guidelines should be a collaborative meeting space for branding projects, not just the place where the brand assets are downloaded.

° 04 Take care of security and Access Control.

The deeper the brand core goes, the more content differentiation arises when some guidelines are for the public and some only for the boardroom. Especially those eternal "work in progress coming soon sections." :)

When everyone that have to access starts to collaborate un create style guide storytelling up on that to inspire their branch and partners to stick to the principles. you should follow and monitor that process.

How does the future of brand creativity and module brand systems look like?

Getting rid of static PDFs is only the first step.

Modern branding teams need to establish a loop across the organization to feel inspired to come back to the core — brand guidelines.

We in Corebook believe that brand management disruption will be initiated by team leads and UX design aficionados who are communicators of brand spirits.

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Our mission

The Mission of “Core Book” Foundation is to support innovations, sustainable growth and to inspire, unite and educate private, public and non-profit organizations and leaders around the globe to think and use their brands as community-building tools. We create value-oriented strategies, programs and resources with the goal to help them reach their full potential and find the perfect equilibrium of looks, intelligence and society utility. Humanity is going towards a fully immersive digital era and one of the keys for well-being and prosperity is a digital transformation without time and workflow waste.

Our Volunteers are people that love and support our mission, actively work to make a difference, and with their dedication have become the embodiment of everything Foundation represents